scans from film negatives & slides
Fast* scans from negatives & slides
view price listnegative & Slide film scanning 35mm, APS (Advantix) & 120 sizes to USB VDV or Dropbox Fast service all scanning in store.
Scanned in store on a Noritsu HS-1800, considered the best scanner by labs worldwide for the highest quality scanning
Our standard resolution scans from 35 mm negatives will deliver a jpeg file whose size is around 4.5 megabytes (1500x1000px) when opened (uncompressed). These scans are made on our professional Noritsu HS-1800 scanner.The digital files we return to you are perfect for sharing your pictures digitally, making new prints (up to 6x4"), for inclusion in video and presentation projects and as digital backups.
We offer a high-resolution scanning option. The high resolution option will deliver a 3-4mb jpeg file whose size is around 17 megabytes (3000x2000px) when opened (uncompressed). This is the best option to produce large prints up to 12x18". The difference between a standard resolution file and a high-resolution file has nothing to do with the quality of the scan but exists only in the size of the file we deliver. Because high resolution scans can take up to three times as long to complete, the charge is higher than the standard resolution scans.
Now available as Pro Scans we can scan your originals as larger than 6000x4000 pixels!
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Service Time
From two working days, scanning for funeral services will be done same day, if required.
Note: As in any photographic process, the digital files from our scans will only be as good as your original film, note that old or poorly processed film negatives may discolour over the years, this will show on the scans. We do not retouch scans, though this can be done, see restorations.
slide film scans - Kodachrome Ektachrome agfachrome Fujichrome to USB DVD or Dropbox
NEW SnapScan 35mm Slide Scans from as low as $0.50/hi res scan - ask for details
35 mm slide shows were one of the most popular ways to enjoy pictures in the 1960’s and 1970’s. If you have a projector that works, you’ll have a lot of fun viewing your slide the old fashioned way. If you don’t have access to a projector or if you want to share and enjoy your slides on today’s digital devices, bring your slides to Fotofast for slide scans. Good news is that those classic slide trays double as great storage devices for slides- assuming you don’t have your trays in your cupboards or garage. The not so good news is that not all slides age well. The type of slide film used, the quality of the processing and the environment the slides have been stored in all influence the stability of the images. The best option you have for preserving your slides, prints and negatives is to have Fotofast slide scan for you and make digital & printed copies of them now.
Service Time:
Scanned in store, from two working days, scanning for funeral services will be done same day if required. All scanning is done on site.
Note: As in any photographic process, the digital files from our scans will only be as good as your original slide film, note that old or poorly processed film slides may discolor over the years and this will show on the scans. We do not retouch scans, dust off to clean prior to scanning, slides stored in humid climates often have mold on them, image enhancement can be done, see restorations.
For Scans from Photos, click here.
For Transfer Home Videos to DVD, click here.
mail order form
Mail Order Scan from Negatives & Slides Fast Service to anywhere in Australia
Send in a padded bag to:
Shop 3/4
200 Moggill Road
Taringa QLD 4068
Enclose full details of what you want done, name, address, contact phone number, we will contact you as soon as we receive your order.