funeral tribute photo services
funeral tribute photo services
view price listCelebrate a life with tribute photo services
New Ways to Keep Loved Ones Close for Generations to Come - honoring the lives that created your memories.
Late in 2008 we produced a tribute photo book and collage poster for our own fathers Celebration of Life, the response from our family & friends and the funeral director was so overwhelming that we realized that this service needed to be shared with others. Philip Gresham - Owner Fotofast
A collection of photos and mementos printed and permanently bound into a 12x12 inch hardback book or stapled photo booklet to serve as a family keepsake celebrating the life of one who has recently passed. There are a choice of cover finishes including leather, linen, silk or cloth. more info.

How do we get them?
Order direct from Fotofast, we are open 7 days.
When will they be delivered?
They will be delivered prior to the service, or they can also be collected direct from Fotofast or sent by courier on request.
What photos are included?
Any photos you like: not just of the person who passed but also photos of family, friends, favorite pets, vacation spots, and hobbies.
Bring as few as 10 or as many as 250 photos to be reproduced in the Tribute Photo Book to Fotofast and they will be included. Photos should be 8x10 inches or smaller and not be bound into albums nor in picture frames. Digital photos can be submitted on CD, DVD, or any popular memory card size.
What else can be included?
Letters, post cards, poems or any items on paper smaller than 8.5x11 inches and not bound in a book nor mounted to a stiff substrate.
Will the originals be returned?
Yes. The photos will be returned when the book is presented. If photos are borrowed from other family members you may want to write the name of the owner lightly in pencil on the backs of the photos. Photo can also be numbered so hey are placed in the book in chronological order.
Can personal comments be added?
Yes, we can add 3 pages titled: "I remember when..." with lines on the page, for friends and relatives to write a few words to the family. The opening page of the book can contain personal information as well.
What other products are available?
A big 12x8 inch (20x30cm) Tribute Print is available from your favorite photo also an 16x20", 20x30",18x24" or 24x36" Tribute Collages of 10 to 50 photos are also available. The Tribute Prints have a optional real wood frame and the Tribute Collage Poster can also be supplied rolled or in a custom wood frame. A slide show can also be produced of the photos that you have supplied, this DVD can be played at the service. more info
Are additional copies available?
Yes. All orders will be stored on file by Fotofast for . Brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, friends and other family members will want their own copy.
Does it take long to produce?
No, We understand that there is often only a few days notice or less, including weekends, Fotofast can produce the photo books, collage posters and slide shows the same day depending on what is required. Fotofast is open 7 days a week.
Are Tribute photo books expensive?
No, Tribute photo books start from as little as $39.95 (from digital files, photo or slide scans are extra)
For more information please contact